
Are you employable? This is how to show Canadian employers and get a job

There are a whole lot of people looking for the same opportunity you are looking for, so you need to be different in a way or more to actually beat the competition and be favored by employers and get the job ahead of other applicants.

Your interview starts with your application letter, and the documents you submit like your resume and cover letter. That is the first to demonstrate to the employer that you possess what he wants, but that is just the first step.


Have you ever been at an interview and you find thousands of applicants showing up for a handful of vacant positions? Automatically you are thrown off balance and maybe you start losing confidence.

If you feel you cannot land the position you want because of a massive turn out of applicants, then you really do not deserve that position. The problem should not be the number of people applying but your quality. With proper research on the company and the interviewer, right skill, and confidence, you stand a big chance.

An applicant should very importantly possess the skills that have been advertised, which the company needs. However, you should be aware that thousands of applicants possess such skill, and some even more.

Your soft skills as well as your hard skill all count, so try to acquire as much as you can. Skills such as communication skills, technical competency, work ethic, ability to work with the team, problem-solving skills are all essential.

How Do You Do You Show the Employer You Qualify?

  • Your resume must be in line with what the employer wants. It should carry words, statements, and qualifications that match the job position.
  • Another important step is to write a good cover letter that explains the position. It should be good enough to show the employer that you understand what the position requires.
  • Ensure you find good references that will say positive things about you.
  • Have a great letter of reference from a previous employer to give to prospective employers.
  • Ensure you have a good social media presence, good communication skills, and a working contact card.
  • Have good experiences concerning the positions to share with the employer during your interview.

In addition to all that has been stated above, you must be ready to add value to Canada and to the firm you are seeking employment in. Generally, being of good conduct at all times will help you greatly in your endeavors.

We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, do let us know if you have any questions. We will be glad to assist you further if the need arises.
