
Before Traveling Abroad – Is Your Passport Still Valid?

Is my passport valid for traveling abroad?
Clothes, suitcase, toilet bag, boarding pass, visa? If you are preparing your next trip, it is time to take a look at the last page of your passport. Specifically, in the lower right margin where it indicates the expiration date. But don’t trust yourself too much. Many countries require that your passport be valid for at least 6 months after your flight back home. Pay close attention to when it is convenient to renew your passport and take note of the following tips to keep your documents in order when traveling.

How to process your passport?
Before knowing if your passport is valid (or not) to travel abroad, you need to have a passport first. If you have to process your passport for the first time, you will have to make an appointment online. It’s simple. Then you will need a recent photograph, valid ID (and if you do not have it or it has expired more than three years ago, the birth certificate) and 30 euros in cash.


Why do you need your passport not to expire at least six months after your return?
Some countries require that your passport be valid until months before your return date. These countries are often the ones that also apply for a visa to enter. It makes sense since during your stay in the country you can extend an extension of the visa and end up staying longer within that border. By requiring, therefore, that the expiration date of your passport be at least 6 months after your departure, what they are anticipating is your possible desire to extend your stay within that country. If you have doubts about what limits on the expiration date of your passport requires the country you are going to visit, do not hesitate to consult the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There you will find the requirements of each country in the world.

Passport valid six months after return
You are planning your vacation and decide to keep an eye on the expiration date of your passport and ask yourself: is it really necessary to renew my passport if it has not yet expired, but does it have little left to do it? Some countries are particularly demanding when it comes to the validity of your passport. In fact, it is more than likely that if you travel with your passport about to expire you will not be allowed to enter the country and have to return home without being able to set foot outside the airport, even if your passport is valid until weeks after You come home Below, we detail the countries that require your passport to be in effect a minimum of six months after the return date. This list is not exhaustive, although it includes some of the most visited destinations in the world in alphabetical order.

Passport valid one month after return
To travel to these countries, you most likely do not have to renew your passport. In some countries of the world, the expiration date of a passport must be one month after the date of departure from that country. There are not a lot of countries, but some that you might want to visit. For example, South Africa is among the countries with this requirement.

Passport valid for the duration of the stay
Is your passport about to expire and you don’t have time to renew it? Then do not miss the list of countries in which you are only asked to have your passport valid during the time of your stay. Once again, the list is not exhaustive, but it is a representation of the most tourist countries where you can travel with your passport about to expire (although not expired, remember).
