
Want to work in Canada? You need to know this

If you are specifically looking for a chance to live and work in Canada to explore the wilder regions of the country, or have a very specific skill (i.e. ski/snowboard instructor), then you care little about this. Your best bet for finding jobs abroad in Canada are in the nation’s metropolitan areas.

Montreal: Montreal is Canada’s most cosmopolitan city, and also most complex. French is the city’s official language, but English is just as widely spoken too. A low level of French will not shut you out of the job market in Montreal, but picking up at least a few basic phrases will help make day-to-day life more pleasant and less difficult.


Toronto: This is where the bulk of Canada’s business is carried out. Banking and telecommunications companies are the city’s largest employers as Toronto is home to Canada’s stock exchange and five of its largest banks. Additionally, all of the English speaking national news and sports networks are headquartered in Toronto.

Vancouver: Vancouver is to Canada what Paris is to France or Cape Town is to South Africa. It’s a city blessed with beauty, both natural and architectural, and a magnet for arts, culture, creativeness, and diversity. Nicknamed Hollywood North, it’s the place to go if you’re an aspiring actor or musician.

NOTE: You can still move to other places that are not mentioned here if and get any kind of job or, you can still move to places that were mentioned here and do a different thing from what was mentioned here. No place is limited to a certain type of job or business, we are just informing you of the types of jobs or businesses that are already thriving in a particular place.

It’s better to be informed before traveling so you would have a definite direction in mind before leaving your country. Now you are informed, its time to apply for your job.
